Aldro School Educational Trust Limited Aldro School Educational Trust Limited Lombard Street
Lombard Street
Contact Number: +4401483 81 02 66
Location: Lombard Street
"Bringing out the best in boys" is our forte. We offer an outstanding education which combines academic excellence with a breadth of opportunities outside the classroom, specifically designed to enable boys to flourish.Our academic results are exceptional and the scholarship boards speak for themselves - boys go on to all the top senior schools. Equally valued are the boys' achievements in other areas such as sport, music, chess, art and drama, which are of the very highest quality. We give our boys the chance to partake in all the activities that boys really enjoy but which, sadly, so few have the chance to do these days, for example: den-making in the woods, shooting, fishing, rowing, cubs, scouts, gardening and model railway.It is not so much a case of "What kind of boy thrives at Aldro" rather than "How can we help a boy to thrive?" Our boys are academically able and typically like "having a go" at things. Our outstanding range of extra-curricular activities means they will always find something at which they can excel, which in turn builds their self-confidence. It is rewarding to see boys who arrive lacking in self-esteem grow in confidence as they make their way through the school, giving them an important foundation for their wider education. Equally, it is a pleasure to see the most able boys fulfil their potential.We strive to ensure that our boys are happy and encourage them to value and be supportive of each other. The Christian ethos which underpins the school makes the boys part of a caring, happy extended family and is key to Aldro's success. We are often told that Aldro boys are easily recognised at their senior schools by their maturity and self-confidence and we regularly hear good reports of their success in academic life, sport, music, art and drama. A large number of our boys go on to achieve significant positions of responsibility.I hope that you will enjoy exploring the website, which will give you a tantalising glimpse into what makes Aldro a particularly special place for boys. To discover even more about the school please do not hesitate to visit us. We hold our Open Mornings once a term and the dates for these can be found here; or do arrange a visit when Sue and I would be delighted to welcome you and show you around.
"Bringing out the best in boys" is our forte. We offer an outstanding education which combines academic excellence with a breadth of opportunities outside the classroom, specifically designed to enable boys to flourish.Our academic results are exceptional and the scholarship boards speak for themselves - boys go on to all the top senior schools. Equally valued are the boys'...
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Lombard Street
Aldro School Educational Trust Limited